Friday, March 15, 2013

OotP Make Up Blog: Women and Femininity in Harry Potter

Femininity is handled in a variety of ways through different characters in the Harry Potter series. We see female characters portrayed in different ways- some are weak, some strong, and some lie in between. Rowling creates many different strong female characters, yet it is interesting to note that their ideologies often differ. It seems one does not necessarily have to be ‘good’ or even liked to be strong. Though these women possess such different qualities and morals, their strength of heart and mind is a commonality.
Dolores Umbridge for example is a character whose strength comes from her greed and want of power. She is strong willed and in charge, yet also evil in a sense, as she has no trouble torturing children. It is also interesting to note that she is described as very girly in appearance- she loves the color pink, frills, and is very quick to correct your manners. She is extremely powerful while at Hogwarts and even becomes headmistress, and is obsessively convicted when it comes to her beliefs. Yet her downfall is because of her greed, closed mind and her lack of empathy. She is not a good person in the common sense, but her strength in character cannot be questioned.
Molly Weasley is another example of a strong female character. Although Molly is a stay at home mother to her large family, she is clearly the one who wears the pants in her marriage to Arthur. She is the disciplinarian, the caretaker, and the one you know will always be there to support you. She is always trying to impress on her children that you must be a good person, and is very much a mother figure to Harry as well. While she is a typical housewife, and always ready to whip up a meal, she really is much more. She takes charge at Grimmauld Place for the Order of the Phoenix just as she does at her home in the Burrow. She is loyal and very brave. She cares deeply for anyone that she grows close to, and though she tries to hide it, is very emotional. She is a strong supporter of Dumbledore and the Order, yet terrified of what may happen to its members. Molly Weasley is not a woman to mess with, as her children and husband will surely tell you.
These are just two examples of strong female characters with different qualities. Hermione Granger and Minerva McGonagall should be mentioned as well. Both extremely sharp witted and smart, they are not to be crossed. Rowling certainly has no fear or issue with women having power. It seems that she is saying that given equal opportunity or in this case equal ability to do magic, women have just as many strengths as men do. It does not come down to being smart or talented, or even gender in the Harry Potter series, but it is more a matter of how we choose to use our powers, as shown through the different choices these women make.

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