Wednesday, March 13, 2013

ron weasley

When I first read this prompt I knew I was going to talk about Ron Weasley. In the first couple books Ron was always viewed by me as a "side-kick" to Harry. Hermione was always the smart one with all the answers and Harry was the brave one that at the end was always winning. Harry was defeating Lord Voldemort and he was the youngest Seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Also in the begining books Ron was out shadowed by this older brothers. Bill the oldest works at Gringotts bank, Charlie studies dragons, Percy was a perfect and got great grades at Hogwarts and then Fred and George were always pranking people and were good at Quidditch. Ron was always being compared too and out shined by them. Ron was always loyal to Harry. No matter how dangerous the situation was Ron always risked his life for Harry but was never seen as the hero by many. 

Ron has had his shining moments through out the series. Some of the brave and significant parts of Ron's journey that sand out to me are when he played Wizards Chest to get to the sorcerers stone. When he drives his father's flying car to pick up Harry from the Dursley's house. When Ron is faced that his rat, Scabbers, is not actually his rat and during that same scene when Ron faces a werewolf. Also when he fights against the death eaters and Voldemort over the prophecy. 

I think that in book six Ron steps out of everyone's shadows and becomes an individual. He finally gets attention from girls and has his first girlfriend, Lavender Brown. Now that Ron has and girlfriend and has made the Quidditch team for the second year he is finally making his own path and setting a name for himself in a positive way. Since this is my first time reading the books I have a feeling that Ron's character is going to continue to grow and have a large part in the rest of book six and during the last book. 

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