Thursday, April 18, 2013

Extra Credit blog: Luna

Everyone likes to examine the characters that seem to change the most, but a lot can be said about the characters that, even through this epic journey, seem to stay the same.  This, I believe, can be said most predominantly about Luna.  Every character seems to find something special about them or grow into full maturity throughout the books.  Luna on the other hand begins the stories as quirky and as much as an individual as she is in the very end of the seventh book.  Her amazing quality is that she is truly and 100% comfortable in her own skin.  Still, it is nearly impossible to go through all that these characters have and not change at all.  Luna goes from being in the shadows to being a ray of hope and a beacon for those around her to feel safe.  In the Malfoy mansion she is surprisingly calm for the situation that she finds her and her friends in.  Her level headed-ness seems to sooth those around her and for the reader gives us the idea that even in this dark time good will prevail.  I enjoy Luna’s story cause as oblivious as she seems to her differences from everyone else; I doubt she really cares.  Being comfortable with yourself is something that nearly everyone has trouble with.  In this digital age we are bombarded with preconceived notions of what beauty is and how everyone should be to “fit in.”  Luna’s character never wavers from her complete individualistic manner.  It is a character that serves a key role and should be looked at as something everyone should hope to have even a little bit in common with. 

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