Thursday, April 4, 2013

Make up post

Throughout the Harry Potter series, Draco Malfoy is seen as a cowardly bully. He seems to always be the ringleader of everything bad that happens at Hogwarts. At the end of Half-Blood Prince, Draco starts to show all his internal struggles because of the position he was put in. Draco was told by Voldemort to kill Professor Dumbledore. Malfoy had attempted a few different times to indirectly kill Dumbledore, and then he made the cabinet in the Room of Requirement a portal for Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts. At the end of the book, Draco disarms Dumbledore, but is unable to go through with killing him, and in comes Professor Snape to finish the job. From the end of this novel, we are able to see that Draco was not necessarily one of the “bad” guys all along. He tried to act tough and mean because his parents were such big supporters of Voldemort, and he felt that he needed to follow in their footsteps. His true character is shown however, when he does not have the heart to murder Dumbledore when he had the chance. He went against Voldemort’s request to save his headmaster. It is sad that Draco had such a burden placed on his life from the family he was born into. He was not a mean person; he was surrounded by mean people and raised to act a certain way. He gave into peer pressure from his family for his entire life, until he finally made a decision on his own at the end of the book. Many people have their character determined by whether or not they resist peer pressure or not. In Malfoy’s case, he gave in until the very end, and that is when his true colors shined through. 

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