Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Prompt #3

The Harry Potter series was a great series and absolutely loved the ending of it. Even though I wish that the series would continue, it's still a great ending. It saddened me when I reached the final chapter, but I was still elated nonetheless to actually finish the series and be able to put another accomplishment on my list. Events that really stuck out to me towards the end were when Harry "died" I truly thought at that point that the series wouldn't get any better from that point on. But ultimately I was proven wrong. Also, I loved the huge fight scene and how each character got their chance to shine, especially Molly Weasley, Neville, and McGonagall. They really stuck out to me in to fight. But the deaths of some great characters too really made me want to cry, especially since they've been there from the beginning. 

Now that I'e finished the series, I feel that it is a series that should be read by everyone, for there is something for all readers in it. i think that everyone should give it a chance, even if they don't like reading. But I also believe that it ranks as one of the great literature pieces of all time. 

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